Courageous Conversations Coaching

Are communication breakdowns or

lack of confidence affecting

your team’s success?

Our Courageous Conversations coaching program is designed for organizations ready to empower their employees.

Affordable - Easy to Implement - Customized

This affordable virtual coaching package prepares individuals on your team for clear, effective communication and equips them with the mindset and emotional intelligence to navigate difficult conversations more readily and confidently.

What’s Included:

“All problems exist in the absence of a good conversation.

— Thomas Leonard

  • Everything DiSC® and Agile EQ Assessment: Gain personalized insights into communication styles and emotional agility.

  • Kickoff/Debrief Session: Understand the results and set goals tailored to individual needs.

  • Four Individual Coaching Sessions: Hands-on, one-on-one coaching to create goals around communication, build confidence, and develop emotional intelligence.

Affordable Investment: $1,275 per person. Additional individual coaching sessions are available at a discounted rate.

A cost-effective yet fully personalized solution for improving team dynamics and creating lasting change.

“Conversation is a catalyst for innovation.”

— John Seely Brown