Make the Most of Coaching

Make every session count.

Coaching is an investment of organizational resources, and your individual time as a coachee, so you want to ensure you're getting the maximum out of your session. We have a few things to think about before, during, and after your sessions, to ensure you're getting maximum value from every engagement.

As you begin working with a coach:

Before you start working with your coach think about what really matters to you. You'll have time to discuss this with your coach in more detail when you first meet, but it's great to have an understanding of your priorities from the get-go.

During your executive coaching sessions:

  1. Come prepared: Before your coaching session, take some time to reflect on your goals, challenges, and any specific questions or issues you want to discuss with your coach. Write them down so you can refer to them during the session. This will help you stay focused and give you something to look back on and review later on.

  2. Be open and honest: It's essential to be open and honest with your coach. Share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns, even if they are difficult to talk about. This will help your coach understand your unique situation and provide you with personalized guidance and support.

  3. Ask questions: Don't be afraid to ask questions during your coaching session. If you don't understand something or need more information, ask your coach to clarify. This will help you get the most out of your time with the coach and ensure that you have a clear understanding of the strategies and actions you need to take.

  4. Stay engaged: Finally, it's important to stay engaged and focused during your coaching session. Turn off any distractions (like email notifications) and give your full attention to yourself and your coach. This will help you absorb the information and guidance you receive, and make it much more likely that you will be able to apply it effectively in your career.

After each coaching session:

Be ready and willing to take action. During your coaching sessions, you may discuss strategies or actions you can take to address your challenges or achieve your goals. It's important to follow through on these ideas and take action as soon as possible. This will help you make progress and see results more quickly.

Coaching is a developmental process.

As you evolve, you will think differently. A more accurate and expanded personal vision of yourself—and your place in the world—will replace outdated beliefs and assumptions. You’ll learn how to accomplish more with less effort.

Book a call with us to talk about executive, leadership and accountability coaching for your organization. Or develop your organizations’ leaders and create a culture of coaching at your business with our Coaching Skills workshop. 


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